You can also pick up certain items throughout each map to increase the odds, however, these are carried in the inventory slot for health potions so you need to weigh up the risk of the best loot, versus actually making it to the escape cart at the end of each level. As players level up, the chance of getting better loot increases. After each match you’re given the chance roll some dice with the hope of winning new armor and weapons to customize your characters with. Players can choose from the Witch Hunter with his short range shotgun, the Empire Soldier with his claymore, the Dwarf Ranger equipped with an axe and crossbow, the Waywatcher with her daggers and archery skills or the Bright Wizard who can cast spells using a magic staff. Rather than four identical characters, players are given the choice of five, each with a different skillset and loadout. It all makes for a pretty intense and chaotic blood bath, but like the game it loves to ape, it’s also jolly good fun.ĭeeper than a reskin– Whilst most players will be happy enough with it’s Left 4 Dead style gameplay, Fatshark have added more than just a Warhammer skin. There’s also the Gutter Runner which is akin to a Hunter and in Vermintide instead of the dreaded Tank, we have the Rat Ogre. For example, the Pack Master, who like Left 4 Dead‘s Smoker will drag you away from your team and slowly batter down your health until you are rescued. Co-operation is the key to surviving and if you wander too far from your teammates, you may be pinned or dragged away by one of the more advanced Skaven, just like Left 4 Dead‘s Special Infected. Borrowing heavily from the Left 4 Dead blueprint, the game is a co-operative first person shooter with melee combat for up to four players, but instead of zombies, we have hordes of rat-like creatures called Skaven to fight through.

L4D3? – Vermintide unashamedly takes Valve’s hit formula and gives it a Warhammer spin. Stand up and take a bow Fatshark, for you’ve made a damn good attempt at making Left 4 Dead 3, though we’ll call it Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide from now on to give the game it’s proper Sunday name. While the gaming community patiently wait for Valve to get their fingers out and make a game ending in a 3, it was only a matter of time before someone else would end up doing it for them.