Conan exiles good base locations
Conan exiles good base locations

conan exiles good base locations conan exiles good base locations conan exiles good base locations

At this point in the game, there are no water-based enemies, and insects and spiders cannot enter the water, making it an ideal base location. Players can also use the ability to build floors and scaffolding to place their base on or near any of the lakes.

conan exiles good base locations

Of course, players wanting to build a useful base will also want to be in such an area for easy access to these resources, so building an elevated base will give the player better flexibility to place their structures near the best resources in the game. Most of the enemies in the game are concentrated in areas with plenty of useful resources, like the Oak Tree and the Hedges. Ants and spiders do not climb, so they cannot attack bases that are built on walls or rocks. While the developers have teased the introduction of flying insects like bees and mosquitoes to threaten players' elevated bases, higher ground is right now the best place to build for maximum protection in Grounded. Best Base Locations in Grounded for Maximum Protection Here are a few of the best locations on the map for players to build bases and sub-bases for maximum protection from threats in Grounded. Good base locations are also ones that have some measure of elevation to them to keep insects like ants from coming in and stealing food and to keep enemies like spiders from reaching the player character when they aren't expecting it. The best base locations in Grounded are often ones close to valuable resources like water, sap, and grass, and especially helpful locations, like the Oak Tree lab or a Field Station. Related: How to Find Archer's Cookies in Grounded (& What They Do) A player's first base is likely to be located where they begin the game in the backyard, and as players unlock more resources and explore more locations, they are likely to improve upon this first spot. Often, players will choose to make a main base and several smaller sub-bases so they are never caught too far from a spot where they can go to find sanctuary and regroup before the next story mission. In survival games like Grounded, base building is by far one of the most important things a player can do to make sure they have a place to replenish their resources and protect themselves from attacks.

Conan exiles good base locations