Those interested can download it from here. As of version 1.1, the Texture Pack Combiner now also supports the optional merging of: Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt, Lush Trees by OpticShooter and Lush Grass by OpticShooter.

Basically, this file right here lets you do in 10 minutes what I did in 100 hours. Even when I slept I dreamt about textures. The other result was personal brain damage in the sense that I could not go outside for several days without seeing textures and transitions on the ground (yes, IRL). The bottom line is that this is the result of a rather gruesome, time consuming process that has required over 2500 screenshots, 700 saved games and 100 hours of work. Every single texture has been hand picked after extensive testing with different texture combinations, and each texture has been measured against certain key points. In doing so, what you’ll end up with is the best of three worlds! It’s not just some cheap copy+paste merge. As the title suggests, this mod merges the three popular texture packs of Skyrim: Skyrim HD – 2K Textures by NebuLa, Serious HD Retexture Skyrim by Z4G4 and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul by Starac. Modder ‘Mortac’ released an interesting mod for Skyrim, called Texture Pack Combiner. As the title suggests, this mod merges the three popular texture packs of Skyrim: Skyrim HD 2K Textures by NebuLa, Serious HD Retexture Skyrim by Z4G4 and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul by Starac.